A year of turning “I care” into “I can.”
The JustGiving community is proof that humans can make a world of difference.
Let’s look back at some of 2024’s moments, milestones, and memories that mattered…
£584 million
donated to UK charities in 2024
People rallied together to raise over half a billion pounds on JustGiving to support charities across the UK. Plus, over 1,000,000 Fundraising Pages were created for good causes!
79 million
total miles logged on JustGiving
JustGiving fundraisers got active for charity this year, racking up miles while smashing their fundraising goals.
Top fitness activities
Here are the fitness activities JustGiving fundraisers loved most in 2024.
£155 million
Total amount raised by runners on JustGiving
Photo: Manny pounding the pavement in London Marathon to raise money for Dementia UK.
£49 million
Total amount raised by wonderful walkers on JustGiving
Photo: Craig on a 1000-mile trek to make a difference for Brothers in Arms.
£31 million
Total raised by committed cyclists on JustGiving
Photo: Hundreds of cyclists pushed the pedals through the Gloucestershire countryside to raise money for St. Peter’s Hospice.
£8.7 million
total amount raised for UK swimming events on JustGiving
JustGiving fundraisers took to pools, lakes, and seas to make a splash for the charities closest to their hearts. Check out this incredible team who took the plunge in The English Channel for Swim Tayka! 💦
miles logged by fundraisers in wheelchairs
People using wheelchairs covered huge distances in a monumental effort that made a difference for the charities they love.
Check out the photo of Sam Perkins – despite losing all movement following his motor neurone disease diagnosis, Sam went on to complete the 2024 London Marathon, raising +£39,000 on JustGiving for Stand Against MND.
Zoe’s Place saved!
£6.5 million raised for the much-loved baby hospice
Thanks to hundreds of fundraisers and tens of thousands of supporters, Zoe’s Place Baby Hospice can remain open to continue supporting children with life-limiting and life-threatening conditions.
£44 million
raised in London Marathon 2024
London Marathon fundraisers raised a record-breaking £44 million on JustGiving for charity this year…more than ever!
One of those amazing fundraisers was Cathryn, who won an extra £2,000 for Tommy’s baby charity. Check out the heart-warming moment when we called to let her know the news.
world record attempts by JustGiving fundraisers
Over 400 awe-inspiring fundraisers aimed for new world records as part of their fundraising in 2024!
Check out the photo of the epic Lloyd Martin. In 2024, Lloyd became the youngest person with Down Syndrome to complete the London Marathon! Oh, and he ran the Great North Run. And the New York City Marathon. And did a skydive…
Creative and adventurous fundraising
Brave fundraisers jumped out of planes and shaved their heads for the causes they love in 2024.
£2.3 million
Total amount raised by skydiving fundraisers who took the leap for a cause.
Photo: Angel Mums took on a charity skydive in memory of their children who lost their lives to brain tumours, raising +£77,000 on JustGiving for The Tessa Jowell Foundation.
£2.4 million
Total amount raised by fundraisers who chopped their hair off for charity.
Photo: Daniel shed his locks for Little Princess Trust in 2024!
A night to remember
The 2024 GoCardless JustGiving Awards
The world came together to celebrate fundraising’s most incredible people, on the most inspiring night of the year.
Eight of the world’s most incredible fundraisers raised £16 million combined and left with sparkling trophies at the 2024 GoCardless JustGiving Awards.
Top charity fundraisers
These fundraising superstars were JustGiving’s top charity fundraisers in 2024!
Union Maritime
This incredible fundraising team built their own boat and raised £520,423 to help GOSH support children with leukaemia.
Khalid Hussain
Khalid raised half a million pounds to help Abu Zahra Foundation provide food packs, book distribution, refugee help, and more.
Swifties for Southport
Taylor Swift fans teamed up to support Alder Hey Children’s Charity in helping the Southport community affected by the concert tragedy.
JustGiving…again and again and again
These standout supporters gave over and over, and brought in more donations than anyone else in 2024.
3.7 million
People who donated to a charity more than once in 2024.
Photo: Sip Powers raised money for Combat Stress and became the seventh person in history to climb all 14 English Peaks.
The most donations on a single JustGiving Fundraising Page in 2024.
Henry walked 2400km from Manchester City Centre to Ibiza for the Tony Hudgell Foundation!
charity champs
Campaign Pages launched by UK charities on JustGiving
Charities used Campaign Pages for everything from annual appeals, fundraising events, and special projects. Check out Spinal Research’s JustGiving Campaign Page – they raised nearly £300,000 on JustGiving to fund cutting-edge research, clinical trials, and specialist training.
On the map
Manchester was JustGiving’s most generous area
Followed up by Glasgow, Bristol, Leeds, and Leicester.
total raised via live streamers on JustGiving
JustGiving fundraisers pressed Record and went live for the causes they love! Learn more about the 37 Disney Street charity livestream Fundraising Page for Dementia UK.
“What Have I Done?”
We launched our new podcast, What Have I Done?, with the help of JustGiving fundraising superstar and 2015 JustGiving Award winner Caroline Jones. Hear stories from JustGiving fundraisers who started raising money, then went on to exceed their goals for charity!
What we announced
We dropped a few shiny new (and powerful) features on fundraisers and charities in 2024.
Cryptocurrency donations
Fundraisers can make donations to charities on JustGiving using one of over 60 cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, powered by our partnership with The Giving Block.
Story Enhancer for Teams
Our new AI-powered tool now helps fundraising Teams turn a good story into a great one, and raise more for charity in the process.
Team Tribute Pages
Team Tribute Pages enables teams of fundraisers to raise money in memory of a loved one together, with updated page creation, customisation, and page admin experiences.
Let’s Do This
Now charities can reach thousands of new supporters and raise more money on the UK’s largest endurance event marketplace, directly through JustGiving.
Text to Donate
Charities can test getting donations via text message with the JustGiving and Fonix integration.
Refreshed Fundraising and Campaign Page design
Fundraising and Campaign Pages got a new coat of paint, with better personalisation features and readability enhancements.
To all the fundraisers, charities, donors, and supporters who were a part of these unforgettable moments: thank you.
The information on this page is based on JustGiving internal data for 2024. All figures relate to donations to and pages created to support UK charities only, unless stated otherwise. All figures were accurate at the time of publishing and donation figures quoted include GiftAid. For more information, please contact press@justgiving.com.