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Haven House Children's Hospice provides the best possible life for every baby, child and young person with a life-limiting or life-threatening condition and their families, who live in our local communities.
Haven House Children's Hospice Registered charity number 1044296
"With love x"
Anne Hogg donated
"Always remembered with love and deep affection. God bless always xxx "
Christine, Billy and Ellie donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Sorry for your loss Love from Kerry John and family xxx"
Anonymous donated
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
"Sending our love and condolences x"
Kirsty, Tom & Poppy Gill donated
"Deepest sympathy "
Jamie Elaine & Coral donated
"With deepest sympathy, Uncle Bill will always be in our hearts and thoughts xx"
The Hicks Family donated
£30.00 + £7.50 Gift Aid
Douglas Allen has raised $10,111.17 so far
Galliard Homes Ltd has raised $9,081.83 so far
Galliard Homes
Nicola Whitbread-Hastings has raised $7,251.76 so far
I'm Rudy is inspiring fundraisers of many forms for Nicola Whitbread-Hastings because They are amazing but need your support!
Lauren Ox has raised $3,595.58 so far
Inspired by a little Super Hero
Bywaters Leyton Ltd has raised $3,416.59 so far
I'm Bywaters to Brighton bike ride for Bywaters Leyton Ltd because of the amazing work they carry out every day
Helen Harvey has raised $3,210.31 so far
I'm Helen, Max, Francis, Jess, Margot & Maddie for Helen Harvey because