Tom's Page

Halina Reid is raising money for Cardiac Risk in the Young
In memory of Tom Reid
raised of £10,000 target
Cardiac Risk in the Young

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1050845, SC052581
We fund support, screening & research to help those affected by YSCD


UPDATE:- 6th May 2015

It's been some considerable time since we updated the content of Tom's page so apologies for this, but that doesn't mean that our fundraising efforts have come to a halt!!  As many of you know, we continue to raise awareness of Tom's story and fundraise towards our screenings in lots of different ways.  We would like to thank family and friends and those of you who very generously continue to donate to anything we do in memory of Tom.  Thank you also to you if you are reading this story for the first time and have decided to donate.

Sunday 10th May 2015

On Sunday 10th May Antony continues with his fundraising activities…this time in running the Leeds Half Marathon, which is 20k!!  This is the farthest distance he has ever attempted and has been training, dieting and cutting back on the old grog for quite some time now!!  Please donate ANY amount to his next challenge and help us in our efforts to continue to raise funds for the vital screenings of other young people.  Our sincere thanks once again to every single person who donates.

***** Updated 20th January 2011*****


Thank you to EVERYONE who has donated and helped us reach our goal!!!


Dear Reader

Thank you for logging onto Tom’s memorial page. We have decided to set up this memorial fundraising and awareness page in Tom’s memory and our aim is to reach our target of £10,000.

All money raised will be donated to the charity CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young) . The support we received from CRY was invaluable and without it we would not have known anything about Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS) . When we reach our target, in addition to helping CRY support other families, we will also be able to hold a unique ECG screening clinic to give young people in Garforth the opportunity of a simple test that could detect a treatable heart condition.

Tom was unaware that he had an ‘undetectable’ underlying heart condition, nor were we, until it was too late. Tom was 100% fit and healthy and had never shown any signs or symptoms. As you may or may not know Tom was about to start his new independent life and the picture shows his first day as an undergraduate BA Linguistics student at University College London, outside the main campus building. He was buzzing, happy, excited, enthusiastic and living his dream! He was out with friends later in the evening "having the best night of my life" when he started to feel unwell, saying his heart was beating fast and that he had never felt this way before. His friend accompanied him to see a medic and after a very short period of time, Tom suddenly collapsed and went into ‘cardiac arrest’. The electrical system in Tom’s heart just stopped, suddenly, with no warning and no reason why. The medical paramedic team and the emergency team at the hospital could not resuscitate Tom. He was in no pain and would not have been aware of what had happened. The condition that caused Tom to die in such an unreasonable, sudden and tragic way is called SADS. This also happens to at least 12 other young people a week. A simple ECG test could have detected this heart abnormality. CRY’s 2 main aims are to save young lives, and to help bereaved families and those young people living with a ‘detectable’ heart condition.

Here is a reminder of who Tom was for those of you who did know him and an insight into the remarkable and unforgettable human being he was for those who unfortunately did not! Tom lived life to the max and had amassed so many achievements, both academically and personally, gained so much respect, friendship and love, and accomplished, so much in his 19 years of life, than a lot of people in their entire lifetimes! Tom believed in the written word with a passion, yet had a verbal way with words and with people that encompassed compassion, love, sincerity, laughter, fun, optimism, friendship and happiness. Everyone who met Tom instantly loved him (that smile and that touch were certainly infectious!) He had a diverse and sometime outrageous taste in music and blasted out anything from Phantom of The Opera, to The Killers, Taylor Swift, Goo Goo Dolls, Beyonce and yes... Michael Crawford! He was into photography, theatre, film, marketing, management, music, clubbing (his fave haunt was Oceana in Leeds!) and generally spending time with his beloved family and friends. His idols included his granny and granddad and John Barrowman! He WAS Mr. PC World and would often take over the tannoy system at the Leeds central store to sing or play some kind of joke! He was ‘Slappy’ in ‘Homeless’ a play dedicated to the Homeless people on the streets of Bradford. He was the life and soul of any party, family gathering, social event, yet he was the sincerest, most sympathetic confidant to anyone in time of trouble or need. He had an incredible zest and passion for life. We absolutely love him to bits. He was always true to himself. He was truly the most optimistic, charismatic, sensitive human being and loving son and brother and his spirit will live on into eternity.

This page is not only dedicated to Tom, but by raising awareness of the SADS condition and contributing to the valuable work of CRY, we hope that we can prevent another parent having to face the devastating nightmare and heartbreak that we have faced and continue to face each day of our lives.



This space will be dedicated to current events that are taking place in memory of Tom.



The CRY ECG Screening Event will be taking place in memory of Tom at Garforth Academy (formerly Garforth Community College), Garforth, Leeds on 2nd February 2011.  120 young people, including family, friends and young people from Tom's former upper school will be given the opportunity of having their hearts tested for free.  This amazing opportunity to save a life is taking place thanks to the donations, support and compassion of so many people on this page who have made this event happen.  We are proud at being able to fund this in Tom's memory, the first of hopefully many sessions.  THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO HAS MADE A DONATION OVER THE PAST 12 MONTHS - AN ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT AND EVERLASTING LEGACY FOR TOM!! XXXX




 AT M & S FOODHALL, BRIGGATE, LEEDS*****£700 raised!! 

Halina, Antony, Natalie and Mike Biggs and Jonathan Wales collected am amazing £700 from generous M & S customers at a bag packing session from 10.00 am until 3.00 pm on Chrismtas Eve 2010.  Huge thanks to Martin Smith, Manager, who allowed this and for also donating 2 wonderful hampers and wine and art sets that will be raffled off as prizes in forthcoming fundraising wasn't an JUST a bag packing was a Tom Reid M & S bag packing session!!! Thanks to all concerned!  Watch out for us again at 6 further planned bag packs in 2011!!



The fantastic, wonderful, beautiful, kind, sensitive and AMAZING John Barrowman has become Patron of CRY in Tom's memory.

This is probably the biggest and most precious and proud achievement and event that has taken place for Tom and we are truly honoured and humbled that John has done this for Tom.  Tom's spirit and legacy lives on in the hearts of many.  At this moment in time, over £1,000 has already been donated by John's fans!!

With our gratitude and eternal thanks to Teresa Marsh and all at Team Barrowman for their support, friendship, encouragement and dedication to our cause. xxxX  Please click on the link below for photos and links to John's page:-

*****Friday 21st October 2010****

The amazing John Barrowman and his wonderful webteam have tweeted Tom's justgiving memorial link and the CRY link to 28,000 followers and 6,500 news list members!!!*****


Thank you John, Teresa and Team Barrowman for your wonderful support of CRY and for raising awareness of SADS to such a huge audience. 

Grateful thanks to all John's lovely fans for their very kind and generous donations, it sincerely means a lot to us. xxxX


*****Sunday 24th October 2010, BUPA Great South Run, Alisha's 10 Mile Run in Memory of Tom*****

Alisha Riseley, Tom's very special friend, is running 10 miles in the BUPA Great South Run, being held in Hampshire on Sunday 24th October 2010.  Alisha is a BA Linguistics student at UCL and has become a very special member of the Reid family.  This is Alisha's first fundraising challenge and she is being accompanied by 4 other friends.  Please support Alisha in her meaningful and wonderful event by logging on and donating directly to her own fundraising page she has set up:-

Much love and luck in your training and ultimately and undoubtedly wonderful result Alisha!!!! xxxX (as usual the biggest kiss from Tom!):-)


*****Thursday 20th October 2010 - Yorkshire Evening Post Article on SADS/CRY*****

Huge thanks to Suzanne McTaggart, reporter at the YEP for her wonderfully heartwarming, accurate, factual and clever article.  She has helped enormously with our awarness and fundraising campaign in a timely, sensitive and compassionate way and we are truly grateful to her.

Thanks Suzanne, you're a star! x


*****Saturday 9th October 2010 - CRY/SADS Awareness Raising Stall at Tesco's, Garforth*****

CUSTOMERS AND STAFF DONATED £377.84p!!! Thank you to all who donated! A really generous and wonderful amount raised!! - 'Every little helps'!!

We will be holding an awareness raising stall as part of CRY's Raising Awareness Week, at Tesco's Store, Garforth, please come along and show your support and pick up some free literature.  With thanks to Helen Maynard (Store Manager), Anne Fletcher, Vera Anderson and staff for their support and for allowing us to hold this event.  Photos of the day within the link below:-

and the CRY write up is at the following link:-




*****Monday 11th October 2010, CRY/SADS Awareness Raising Stand at NSPCC, Crossgates (Halina's work)*****

NSPCC staff continue to support Halina and donated £28.45 today!  Thanks to all staff at NRO! x

Halina will be putting up a stand and bringing in CRY/SADS literature to raise awareness amongst work friends and colleagues.  A big thank you to Gordon Ratcliffe for allowing me to do this.



*****Friday 15th October 2010 - CRY/SADS Awareness Raising Stall at Sainsbury's Colton*****

CUSTOMERS AND STAFF DONATED £240.51p!!! Thank you to all who donated! A really generous and wonderful amount raised!!

We will be holding an awareness raising stall as part of CRY's Raising Awareness Week, at Sainsbury's Store, Colton.  Please come along and show your support and pick up some free literature.  With thanks to Karen Jones (Store Manager), Joe Green and staff for their support and for allowing us to hold this event.


*****Friday 24th September 2010, Interview with Suzanne McTaggart (Yorkshire Evening Post)*****

An article will appear in The Yorkshire Evening Post on Tuesday 28th September 2010, watch this space for the link:-

Yorkshire Evening Post Article


*****This one is just for you Tom! - Telephone call from John Barrowman! (Wednesday 22nd September 2010)****

On Wednesday 22nd September 2010, Halina received a phone call from the one, the only....John Barrowman!!!  This one is just for you Tom (you were there in spirit and heard everything that was said!) 

Thank you John, with all our hearts, this meant so very very much. xxxX


*****Sunday 19th September 2010, BUPA Great North Run - Helen Hannan, for CRY and in memory of Mike and Tom*****


Helen Hannan, a friend and former colleague of Halina's is running the Great North Run on 19th September 2010 for CRY and in memory of her dear friend Mike who was also a victim of SADS, aged 17 and also for Tom.  Please support Helen and her friend Catherine Leigh in their fundraising feat by logging on to:-

Helen - thank you most dearly once again for your support and motivation and we wish you the very best for your forthcoming run! lots of love xxxx


*****Friday 25th June 2010, Leeds United Signed Shirt  Raffle in Memory of Tom*****


Once again, Garforth Community College are helping towards our fundraising total by holding a raffle in Tom's memory on Friday 25th June 2010.  This time, there's only one prize.....but it's a fantastic one...a signed Leeds United Football Shirt, signed by ALL the players!!! Students and staff are able to purchase raffle tickets over the next week, with the raffle being drawn on Friday 25th!!  Good luck to all and here's hoping it will raise more funds and more awareness. 

Please click on the link below to see a photo of the winner!!



*****Sunday 9th May 2010, The Jane Tomlinson Junior Arena Run, Leeds*****

TOTAL RAISED FROM KATIE'S RUN IS £300!!! THANK YOU!! (updated 3rd June2010)

Katie Ward, aged 14  from Garforth, a year 9 student from Garforth Community College (and daughter of one of Halina's friends and colleagues from the NSPCC Sarah Ward), is running in the 2.5K Junior Arena Run in Leeds city centre on Sunday 9th May 2010.  Runners in this run are able to chose their own charity they would like to raise funds for and Katie decided she would like to run this for Tom! :-)   Katie has been training hard and will be wearing a CRY t-shirt bearing Tom's photo, so look out for her!!

THANK YOU Katie so much for doing this for Tom and for CRY and we wish you the very best for Sunday, we will be thinking of you!!!  The link to Katie's page is as follows:-

Here is a photo of Katie on the day sporting her CRY t-shirt and advertising Tom's justgiving page!!:-


*****Sunday 18th April 2010 TOMFEST 2010!!!!!*****


Thank you to:-

Natalie Marie Biggs, Mike Biggs, Connell (Dan O'Connell) - star promoters and event organisers for their hard work, commitment, dedication, time, fun and enthusiasm :-) and for MAKING IT HAPPEN!!!  We are so VERY proud of you!

Tony Green and all staff at The Elbow Room, Leeds for giving up the venue for free!

Rubber Kazoo - Anna West (and her amazing larynx!), Allan (now named Allan Tomfest Gill!), Josh McDonald, Lee West and Niall Kearns;

Ballyhoo/Eventide - Tom Mitchell, Christian Gallon and Jonathan Mulvey;

The Monkey Tennis Experience - Brian Quarmby, Ian Lambert, Chris Richardson and Matt Jewitt (and the most amazing rendition of 'Freebird' ever!)

and finally, Byrney - Myke Jones, Luke Barnes, Samuel Malynowsky and Jimmy (and of course for their wonderful final song of the night - 'Mr Brightside', a fitting end to an amazing night!);

again for all their hard work, enthusiasm, time, arriving very early on Sunday morning..yawn!! for sound checks :-( and for doing this all for FREE!!!

The bands absolutely rocked the house down!!  They are all skilled and talented musicians and we wish you all every success for the future!!

Big thanks also to John (Connell's dad) for being band 'roady' for the night and his big van!, Johnny (Smirnoff) Gutman for being an excellent doorman and in 'engaging' lots of raffle ticket sales!! Sue Saville (world's greatest sweetie co-ordinator!), Roz Gutman (telephone raffle prize co-ordinator!), and Antony Reid for his HUGE outstanding backdrop!! and finally....

to EVERYONE who came along and made Tomfest 2010 such a huge success, especially all Tom's friends, colleagues, some of whom had travelled from London for the weekend!!!  Thanks to all those also, who unfortunately couldn't attend but who have kindly made a donation anyway!!

'Tomfest Live' (live cd recorded on the night) will soon be available to purchase from:- at only £3, and also Ballyhoo/Eventide's EP 'The Shape of Things To Come' at only £1, two wonderful items of memorabilia of such a wicked night!!  Order yours NOW!!  All proceeds again to Tom's memorial fund.

Watch this space soon for photos of the night!!

All there is left to say is TOMFEST 2010 ROCKED - here's to Tomfest 2011!!!

We still have some unclaimed raffle prizes, all raffle prizes must be claimed by 2nd May 2010!!!
Please check your tickets and contact us at:- to collect your prize!!
Numbers as follows:
Yellow 59, Yellow 327, Yellow 19, Yellow 401, Yellow 58, Yellow 486, Yellow 439, Yellow 272, Yellow 60, Yellow 69, Yellow 301, Blue 58

Westminster Radio Podcast from Tomfest 2010:- click on the link below to listen to our Podcast:-


Tom's wonderful cousin Natalie Marie Biggs and her good friend Dan O'Connell (Connell) have organised a 'gig' in memory of Tom and to raise further awareness about SADS, as well as raise further funds towards out ultimate goal of £10,000. 

"In memory of Tom and to try raise funds and awareness we are holding a charity event with a number of live bands and other fundraising activities.
We will be charging an entry fee of £3 of which all will go to Tom's Charity!!!
This will be one rocking night!!!!
We will be very grateful if you can come help us with this very worthy cause!!!!!!!"
Bands playing on the night will be....


Log on to:- to confirm your place!

THANK YOU to Natalie and Connell for organising this event, to Tony Green at the Elbow Room for allowing us to make this happen and to ALL THE BANDS for giving their valuable time and support, we are so very grateful!!!

There will be lots of activities and chances to purchase 'memorabilia' on the night, including authentic Tomfest wristbands, sweeeeeeeties, and a raffle!!! and everyone paying in will receive a Tomfest 2010 stamped hand!!  Official Tomfest merchandise NOW AVAILABLE TO ORDER!!!  Click on the link below:-

Any special requests for fave songs (that hold that special memory of Tom), or to purchase your entry ticket in advance, or to order some funky Tomfest merchandise, email Natalie or Connell at:-


*****6th-9th April 2010 is 'Trek for Tom'*****

TOTAL RAISED FROM 'TREK FOR TOM' IS £678.68!!! THANK YOU!! (updated 21st April 2010)

Sarah Shipley, a very close and beloved friend of Tom's and some of her wonderful pals:- Julie Rampley, Helen Brown and Rachel Hesslewood, are doing a 50 mile hike along the Derwent Valley Way in memory of Tom in their Easter break 6th-9th April!!!  When I first heard that Sarah was doing this, it brought tears to my eyes and we are so moved by their motivation and sincerity in doing this for our overall goal.  It proves very much what an amazing friendship that they had!  Antony, Alex and I are VERY proud of you Sarah and all your friends for doing this, it is truly positive and inspirational and Tom is VERY proud and we all wish you the best and safe trekking!!  Anybody reading this, please support Sarah and her team in any way you can:-

Take good care. xxxX


*****4th April Easter Sunday*****

We were up and out bright and early this morning and held a car boot sale in Tesco, Garforth's car park!  We made £102.37 which we have donated towards Sarah's 'Trek for Tom'!!!  The early morning start was worth every penny...(yawn!)..honestly!!  Good luck for Tuesday girls, stay safe, have fun and thanks again!! (Thanks to Garforth Lions for letting us pitch up for free!!)


*****26th March 2010 - Tom Reid Day Follow on Raffle - The Big One!!*****

TOTAL RAISED FROM THIS SECOND RAFFLE DAY IS £600.25!!! THANK YOU!! (updated 21st April 2010)

To mark the six month anniversary of Tom's passing and to keep his spirit well and truly alive, Garforth Community College held two raffles and tickets were again sold amongst students and staff.  'The Big One' refers to the Samsung N150 Laptop and microsoft package that was so generously donated by Tom's former employer, PC World, Leeds Central.  Tom will be shouting a great big 'CHEERS GUYS' to them and grinning with pride and admiration at this wonderful gesture!!  The laptop was won by lucky Steve Norman, one of the teachers at GCC!!!!!!  (We know what he's going to be doing all Easter holidays!!)  There were many other lucky winners!!  Indeed some who had won a prize today as well as at the 'Tom Reid Day' raffle on 26th February!!  Other prizes (again kindly donated by local businesses) included an MP3 player, Grand Theatre, Carriageworks and Showcase cinema tickets, Valentino's and Canton Flavour vouchers for meals, Co-op Travel holiday voucher, signed Lilly Allen photo and lots lots more!!.  A HUGE thank you also goes out to Kate Nash (yes the famous singer!!) who donated a beautiful signed and framed photograph, CD's and t-shirts particularly for this event!!

A MASSIVE thank you to Clare Mackley, Aileen Larsen and all staff and students at GCC for supporting us once again in our fundraising efforts and to Dean Horn (PC World Leeds Central) and for remembering Tom once again in such a special way!!    Click on the link below for some photo's of the day (spot Tom's umberella which was used for marketing purposes only!!!):-



*****25th March 2010, Leeds Metropolitan University, SADS Awareness Raising Campaign Day*****

Leeds Metropolitan University PR students Elizabeth Taylor, Adam Burns and Becky Knowles held a SADS awareness raising campaign at the city centre campus and manned a CRY information stand.  The students handed out leaflets and spoke with other students and interacted and engaged with them by asking them to write a message to a loved one on a heart shaped sticky note which was then displayed on a glass wall spelling out the word 'SADS'.  Halina, Natalie (Tom's cousin) and Antony for a short while, joined the PR Team from lunchtime.  It was a very inspiring and memorable day and we are sincerely grateful to the PR Team for their amazing enthusiasm, support and dedication that they have given to us over the last few months and in their brilliant efforts in raising awareness amongst so many young students and staff at Leeds Metropolitan University.  Elizabeth has gone on to write a press release which will be sent out to a public relations magazine (Behind the Spin), see the Leeds Met link below:-

THANK YOU most sincerely to all involved in this successful campaign, click on the link below to see some photo's of the day!!:-


*****Wednesday 10th March 2010*****


An article on the fantastic amount raised by students and staff at Garforth Community College was in yesterday's Yorkshire Evening Post (9th March 2010).  For the online version, please click on the link below:-


***** Friday 26th February 2010 *****

To try and summarise succinctly the ‘Tom Reid Day’ today at Garforth Community College is quite hard…and at times like this, I wish Tom was here so I could explain how meaningful the day has been, yet I do not possess his fluency and amazingly expressive talent…but here goes anyway!!:-)

Tom will be so proud!!! It has been an amazing, captivating, inspirational, positive and compassionate day…all in memory of Tom; of who he was and what he meant to so many. A HUGE thank you to Clare Mackley for initially inspiring us about a ‘Tom Reid Day’ and for ensuring we get dressed in the morning! Thank you to Helen Loveday-Sims, Rebecca Tasker-Brown and colleagues in PSHE for delivering the important and sensitive issue of SADS amongst the young people of Garforth Community College in such a delicate, thoughtful and powerful manner. Feedback has been great! Thank you to ALL staff of GCC for facilitating the day and for the warm and friendly manner in the delivery of the whole event. Particular thanks to Aileen Larsen for her coordination, understanding and ‘project management’ skills and talents in ensuring everything went smoothly and in an amazingly disciplined manner! Thank you to reception staff who have permanent smiles and a welcoming warmness. Thank you to the many staff who have held additional collections and activities and who have contributed to the overall success of the day, as well as the sixth form helpers who contributed their valuable time and energy J !

A SPECIAL thank you to Alex, our youngest son who inspires us daily. Heartfelt thanks to our families and friends and ALL Tom’s friends for their love, support, assurance and continuing encouragement in helping us acknowledge that Tom would certainly be proud and is watching every step we take.x, and for EVERYTHING you have all done, especially to ‘Team Reid’ today which consisted of Alex, Sue, Natalie, Tracy and Chris.

Oooh…last but not least, a MASSIVE thank you to ALL students at Garforth Community College for making it happen!!! Thank you also to the many, many local, regional and national (yes!) companies that donated some fantastic and amazing prizes for the raffle that was held!!IT WAS A SUCCESS!!!!! Buns, sweets, truffles, fudge and crafts were sold and devoured (not the crafts!) within minutes!!! Fun was had by all!! Mufty fashions were interesting! The raffle was great! Even the teachers won! Most importantly, an awareness was gleaned about SADS and Tom’s spirit was captured in the whole day’s events. THANK YOU EVERYBODY!!

The total figure will be released very soon… this space… but all we can say is that it is totally FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC, FANTASTIC!!!!!

Here are some photographs as proof!................................. 


***** Tuesday 23rd February 2010 *****

An article on the 'Tom Reid Day' at Garforth Community College is in today's Yorkshire Evening Post. For the online version, please click the link below.

Thank you again to Stuart Robinson for helping us with our awareness and fundraising campaign.  Also, a big thank you to everyone who has kindly donated so far. It's much appreciated!



***** Monday 22nd February 2020 *****

Video clips of Tom's Red Heart Lantern Launch can be seen by clicking the links below!

Thanks for watching! Was a good way to end the day!




***** Saturday 20th February 2010 *****

Tom's 20th Birthday!

We spent the day in London and met 8 of Tom's friends. It was lovely to spend some time with them on this special day and we can't thank them enough for being with us, it meant a lot. We met in The Clarence on Whitehall (fave pub of mine and Tom's). Was good even though the tea machine was broken, and the menu had no pasta :( Still dont know how we all managed to get seated after at Costa near Trafalgar Square though, but we did! Meeting Tom's friends really helped us get through the day, was a privilege to be with each and every one of them.

Due to a broken down train, we were delayed almost 3 hours getting home so the launch of our '20 red heart shaped lanterns' was also delayed and we managed to complete the launch just after midnight! Pics and videos to follow!



*****Wednesday 10th February 2010*****

Met with staff from Garforth Community College again today to 'update' on both raffle prizes donations from some wonderful generous local and citywide businesses, and plans for activities for pupils and staff taking place on the 'Tom Reid Day' on 26th February.  The pupils are also being made aware of SADS in PSHE lessons taking place up to the 'Tom Reid Day' and being gently reminded to bring some money in for all the wonderful activities that will be going on, which include:-

Post Your Love Messages (anonymously if desired!) onto the Board, a visual lasting keepsake!

Bun/Buscuit/Sweet/Cake Sales..yummy!

Craft Stall - including handcrafted decorations, canvas artwork and stationery

Wii Student/Staff Challenge....!!?? Who's the greatest when it comes to a Wii Competition?!?

Car Washing...time to spring clean those cars and rid them of nasty grit and grime!

Guess the correct number of 'Lovehearts'...and win them all!!! (I like the white ones best!)


UCL (University College London)


We received a letter from the President and Provost at University College London (UCL) who is also raising awareness of the SADS condition amongst students and staff at UCL and is also publicising Tom's memorial fund, which is so very touching and compassionate...thank you so very much.

Halina x


***** Tuesday 9th February 2010*****

Met with 3 fantastic second year degree Public Relations students who contacted us when they read the article on Tom in the YEP and want to help us with regards to trying to raise awareness whilst contributing towards our fundraising aims, across the whole of Leeds Metropolitan University!!!  Their enthusiasm, obvious concern and sincerity really 'lifted' us and made us even more positive in our quest for ensuring as much awareness of SADS in young people is heard.  They have some fantastic fundraising ideas in the pipeline and we hope to be able to update you further on their progress soon!!!  They are hoping to run an awarness raising/fundraising day.!!


***** Thursday 4th February 2010*****

Today we feel quite proud of ourselves for what we have achieved.

Thanks to Stuart Robinson of the Yorkshire Evening Post, Tom’s story was headline news in this evenings YEP. Click here for the shortened web version ………….

Our intentions have always been to raise awareness of Sudden Arrhythmic Death Syndrome (SADS). We are truly grateful to Stuart and all at the YEP for helping us to raise this awareness and pay tribute to our beloved son Tom. Thank you !!!

We were also invited today to be guests on Steve Bailey’s drive time show on BBC Radio Leeds. This also was a fantastic opportunity to raise awareness of SADS and we dropped our plans for the afternoon and headed to the BBC studios.

On the way to the studio on a very busy M62, a little bit nervy, we got a text from one of Tom’s close friends. She had seen the article in the Yorkshire Evening Post and went on to say Tom would have been proud of us. This brought a tear to our eyes simultaneously and gave us both the inspiration we needed to be interviewed live on the radio and raise awareness of SADS.

To listen to our interview, click on the link below and then click 'download'. You can either open the audio file or save it to your hard drive!

Thanks for taking the time to read this!




****** Monday 1st February 2010 *****

We met with three teachers from Garforth Community College last week to discuss the ‘Tom Reid’ day in more detail. Leading upto the ‘mufty’ day on the 26th February, we are working on a powerpoint presentation that the school will show to ALL pupils in PSHE classes or special assemblies. This presentation is intended to raise awareness of SADS within the college.

Already we have some fantastic raffle prizes confirmed (keeping them a close guarded secret though!) Needless to say we are delighted with the response we have received and we are continuing to seek further donations to make the raffle appealing to all. Today we are hand delivering 30 letters to local businesses asking for support

Also we have some fun novel ideas for fundraising on the day.

We are completely overwhelmed with the schools support and are very grateful and appreciative of everything that they are doing in memory of Tom.


Halina, Antony & Alex




With love and gratitude

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Help Halina Reid

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About the charity

Cardiac Risk in the Young

Verified by JustGiving

RCN 1050845, SC052581
Each week at least twelve young people in the UK die suddenly as a result of undiagnosed heart conditions. At Cardiac Risk In the Young we aim to save young lives & to help those affected by the sudden cardiac death. We do this by providing support, information & screening those affected.

Donation summary

+ £1,064.83 Gift Aid

Charities pay a small fee for our service. Learn more about fees