To those that know me well I will not strike you as.....a
runner....more a sitter.....
That aside I am running a Marathon, yes, the first Brighton Marathon no less.
I am running it for two charities, the
Martletts Hospice and the
Congenital Heart Patients Association -
So why the Martlets?
Some years ago my grandfather spent the last few months of his life under the
excellent care of the Martlets Hospice in Brighton, their excellent care and
fantastic welcome was a great help at a difficult time for my whole
family. Since then I have tried, whenever I can, to donate to the
Martlets. I have not done this as often as I would like and, as a result,
I wanted to ensure I did something big at some point....running a marathon
counts I think!
For those that don't know my middle names are Eben and Ronald, both my
Grandfathers first names, unfortunately I never met Eben, my maternal
grandfather, but I did know Ronald, my father’s father very well - I know he
would not believe for a second I would run a marathon, but I know he would be
impressed if I could!! They do great work, so sponsor them as much as you can!
My employer, Jardine Lloyd Thompson, will double any donations made so thanks
to them as well!!!