For those that know me well I will not strike you as.....a
runner....more a sitter.....
That aside I am running a Marathon, yes, the first Brighton Marathon no less.
I am running it for two charities, the
Grown-Up Congenital Heart Patients
Association and the
Martletts Hospice - Just Giving
page -
So why GUCH?
Bec, my wife, was born with a very severe heart defect, 21 years ago this year
she had a major set of operations to put this as right as they could.
Now, with the continual help of GUCH and the London Heart Hospital, Bec is a
great example of what medicine can do!!
It is very important to us that we support GUCH and ensure that their good work
is continued so please, donate well and support a charity very close to our
My employer, Jardine Lloyd Thompson, will double any donations made so thanks
to them as well!!!
Alex and Bec!