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We support younger people living with young onset dementia and their families in Berkshire, Surrey Heath, NE Hants and Farnham. We provide one to one support and activity based workshops across the working week for people with a young onset dementia diagnosis, providing respite for their carers.
Younger People With Dementia CIO Registered charity number 1171720
"Happy Christmas to you all & thanks for all your ongoing support & fabulous activities!! "
Sylvia Spink donated
£25.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Happy to support a good cause "
Emma and Nigel donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"Keep up the great work you doing for our younger people with dementia."
Anonymous donated
"Last week I lost my wallet in a station car park. Julie Kelvin Grey and her daughter went to great lengths to track me down. This is to say thank you!"
Sir Kenneth Olisa donated
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
"To Simon, Peter and everybody that took part for this fantastic cause. Weldone!!"
Sarah donated
"Well done to both of you. Superb effort for a superb charity. All of us at YPWD thank you from the bottom of our hearts (well - should be the soles of our feet really!)"
David Fisher donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
Menzies LLP has raised $347.85 so far
Menzies Heathrow support YPWD