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Yeovil Freewheelers (EVS) is a volunteer Bloodbike group providing a free 24hr medical courier service to the NHS. We provide this service throughout the South West supporting all the local hospitals and especially more recently transporting Covid tests for analysis.
YFW Bloodbikes Registered charity number 299434
"Thank you."
Anonymous donated
"Thank you for all you do!"
The Allen family donated
£10.00 + £2.50 Gift Aid
"Thank you for your service."
"Great work, keep it going! To celebrate Jim & Christine's 50th Wedding Anniversary :-)"
Bob & Margaret donated
£25.00 + £6.25 Gift Aid
"This donation is from the sale proceeds of a specialised bicycle belonging to my late husband. He was a motorcyclist for most of his life and would have admired the work you do !"
"In memory of Cecil Turner. "
Abbey Hill Steam Rally donated
£100.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
Simon Moore has raised $544.99 so far
Brian's page
Emma Gill has raised $162.33 so far
I'm SPS are raising money for Emma Gill because They provide an amazing service