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We have 24 horses and ponies who are cared for by 180 children aged 8-18 who spend 3-7 hours each Saturday or Sunday at our farm. The children learn how to get the horses ready to ride, how to clean up after them and every aspect of how to look after a horse.
Windsor Horse Rangers Registered charity number 1115854
"Thank you for the loan of the riding boots :0)"
Nic and Jane donated
£20.00 + £5.00 Gift Aid
"Thank you for all the great work that you do."
Graham, Nardeth and Holly Farhall donated
£50.00 + £12.50 Gift Aid
"Great fundraising effort"
Well done Eliza G donated
"Keep up the fantastic work you all do xx"
Chris, Sarah and Hannah Mason donated
£100.00 + £25.00 Gift Aid
"Second hand clothing"
Kate McKenzie donated
£32.00 + £8.00 Gift Aid