Dear friends,
We on the Under Canvas committee have always been proud supporters of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, with the money raised from the event each year going to the charity. However, this year we have done things a little differently. We noticed that a common fault in philanthropic parties is that the charity is often obscured behind the thick fog of revelry, cigarette smoke and alcohol intake firmly above the legal limits. The TAKE A BREATH campaign is designed to draw attention to the cause behind the party, raising both awareness and (we hope) more funds.
We hope by now you have seen the video we made as the crux of this campaign. This video was an amazing project to be involved in, revealing the generosity and kindness of all the societies in their agreement and desire to be involved. TAKE A BREATH demonstrates not only the close-knit and supportive nature of the St Andrews community, but also the 2016 UC aim to bring the focus back to our charity. We hope that through watching it, you might be inspired to show your support in any small way you can.
So we ask you as proud members of either the St Andrews community or the global community, to please help us in raising awareness for this amazing charity. We ask you all to TAKE A BREATH for Cystic Fibrosis with us.
At Under Canvas we embrace revelry, but we encourage revelry with a conscience.
Thank you all,
The UC Committee X
(Below is some basic information about the disease for those who are unsure)
Cystic fibrosis is an inherited disease caused by a faulty gene. This gene controls the movement of salt and water in and out of your cells, so the lungs and digestive system become clogged with mucus, making it hard to breathe and digest food. More than 2.5 million people in the UK carry the faulty gene, around one in 25 of the population. There is currently no cure for cystic fibrosis but many treatments are available to manage it, including physiotherapy, exercise, medication and nutrition. Each week five babies are born with cystic fibrosis, and two people die. More than half of the cystic fibrosis population in the UK will live past 41, and improved care and treatments mean that a baby born today is expected to live even longer. Through donating to this page, your money goes straight to the charity, cutting costs for them and easing the transfer. Don't wait to get involved - TAKE A BREAK FOR CYSTIC FIBROSIS and donate today!