Apparently I will be £49.67 better off following yesterday's budget. Thanks to my wage and the fact that I'm lucky enough not to be disabled, George Osborne seems to think that he can earn my vote by throwing me some extra money that I don't need whilst simultaneously cutting disability benefits to the people who need it most. Well George, I want no part of your evil plans, and will be donating the £49.67 to Disability Rights UK. Oh, and I'm Giftaiding it too, so you can throw in an extra 25% please.
Friends, I would encourage you all to please do the same. Throw Osbourne's bribes to the better off back in his face, and support disabled people in their efforts to fight for their rights in a time when they are coming under attack. You can use the calculator at and if it turns out that you're better off and you can afford it, please donate.