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The Credit Union Foundation supports credit unions to improve the lives of their members. Our CU Futures Programme is preparing the next generation of credit union leaders. £5,000 enables one individual to complete the programme.
The Credit Union Foundation Registered charity number 1096199
"A birthday donation"
c/o Jacqueline donated
"Thank you for hard work in growing the credit union movement! Robert thank you for being such a great ambassador and friend."
Mr. & Mrs. Nickolas Kitchens, Esq. donated
$1,000.00 + $0.00 Gift Aid
"Brilliant programme offering support to the credit union sector"
Blues & Twos Credit Union donated
£200.00 + £0.00 Gift Aid
"Great support to the whole credit union sector."
Don donated
"In furtherance of the continued partnership between Georgia' Own and ABCUL, please accept this previously agreed to donation to your foundation. "
Anonymous donated
"Thank you Annette. CU Futures is a programme that will build to something amazing"