Jamie, William, Joey and Richard Hext are walking 250km from Urumqi, Xinjiang (north west China) into the Gobi Desert from Sunday 25th June until Sunday 2nd July. We are raising money for Marie Curie, the cancer charity that cared so well for Annie two years ago in June/July 2009 . We also look forward to spending a few days together free of the distractions of university (William has just taken a first in Chinese from Edinburgh; Joey is reading French and Spanish at Leeds) and of work (Jamie is at Cazar Search in London ; Richard is at Univan in HK ).
Some blurb about the Race is at www.4deserts.com/gobimarch in case you are interested. We intend to do a blog/email during the event so let us know if you want to get it.
Marie Curie sent wonderful night nurses to Bonneville Gardens to help us care for Annie: you can read more about them at: www.mariecurie.org. Marie Curie’s CEO is Thomas Hughes-Hallet who is James’ brother.