Calling all Swansea University Staff and Students… This May, to give you a much-needed break from coursework and revision stresses, two local charities are giving past and present university staff and students the opportunity to abseil from the iconic Clock Tower Building at Swansea University’s Bay Campus.
Following on from their Civic Centre and Kilvey Halls of Residence Abseils, this exciting new fundraising event is brought to you by SOS Africa and the Swansea Siavonga Partnership. These two grassroots education charities were founded with the support of Swansea University staff and students. 100% of all funds raised from this event will be invested in the education and care of disadvantaged South African and Zambian children.
Event participants will be treated to a breath-taking view from the top of the iconic clock tower before taking on the 100ft abseil from the roof of the main building. It is the ideal challenge for both beginners or thrill-seekers and will be supervised by experienced abseil instructors Aardvark Endeavours.
To enter the event as an individual or team, visit: