Ar ôl syniad dwl dros drink neu ddau amser Nadolig mae nifer o staff Llangynwyd wedi cytuno i'r her o gerdded 3 Chopa Prydeinig mewn 24 awr.
Byddwn ni'n ddiolchgar iawn i chi os fyddwch mor garedig a rhoi punt neu ddau i annog ni i gerdded yn gyflymach.
Rhaid rhoi diolch hefyd i Ian Casey am gytuno i yrru ni a choginio'r bacwn ar gyfer brechdanau ac i Ysgol Gyfun Maesteg am fenthyg ei fws i ni, fydd yn gerddiad hir hebddo.
After a few too many drinks at Christmas time a number of staff members from Llangynwyd have agreed to take up the challenge of completing the British 3 Peaks in 24 hours.
We would be grateful if you would be kind enough to send a pound or two our way to encourage us to walk a bit faster.
Big thanks go to Ian Casey for allowing himself to be persuaded to drive us all and cook the bacon sandwiches! His challenge may be the worst. Our thanks also go to Maesteg Comprehensive school for kindly lending us their minibus, without which it would be a very long walk indeed.