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Mind Over Mudder

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For the last three years we've run a half marathon to raise money for Mind, but this year someone (Hannah Jones), thought we should tackle a new challenge...Tough Mudder North West.

So, rather than run 13 miles, MoneySuperMarket and friends, will be running 12 miles cross country, with the odd 'obstacle' to overcome. 'Everest', 'The Ladder to Hell', 'Mud Mile', 'Trench Warfare' and 'Electric Shock Therapy' are just some of the challenges we'll face on our way round the course. OMG!!!

But, it's a challenge we're tackling head on because we're raising money for an amazing cause, MoneySuperMarket's charity of the year, Mind.

One in four of us will suffer from mental illness at some point in our lives. Someone you know will be, or have been affected by mental health problems, and you may not be aware of it. For some it will be a long-term problem that they are able to control with medication and other forms of treatment. Others will recover with the help of treatment, but unfortunately some will find it too much to bear and will take their own lives.

Mind is a charity close to our hearts at the MoneySuperMarket. It works tirelessly to provide support to those affected by mental illness, as well as their families, and campaigns to raise awareness and understanding and to break down the stigma that prevents so many sufferers from being able to talk about their illness.

This is why your donation means so much.What's more, MoneySuperMarket will match everything everything we raise.

Thanks very much and think of us on 13th September!

From all of us :-)

Meet the Mind over Mudder team!

Hannah Jones. I am Head of Trade at MoneySuperMarket. the Mind over Mudder team captain so technically it’s my fault everyone else is going to get electrocuted.

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder? To prove to myself that I can push myself to the extreme and raise loads of cash for Mind, a charity very close to all our hearts.

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to? All the running - I am NOT a runner! Oh and did I mention I am very scared of heights too?

And the bit you are most looking forward to?  Pretty much all of the obstacles, I love a challenge even those that scare the pants off me. With my husband, best friend, boss and personal trainer on the team I’m not sure I’m going to have much choice but to finish even if I crawl it.


Steve Sweeney, General Manager Marketing Operations, MoneySuperMarket

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder? Hannah made me!

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to? Don’t know as I haven’t looked yet, is it hard?

And the bit you are most looking forward to? Seeing Graham doing it and a pint and shower at the end


Ed Toogood. In work I run the MSM internal audit team. Out of work I am husband to Cathy, father to May and participant in all sorts of sporty things but mainly cycling and tennis at the moment.

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder? Cathy and I have done a few of the Mind fund raisers in the past so that’s a big motivation. Tough Mudder looks like a fun challenge too.

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to? Losing my contact lenses in the mud.

And the bit you are most looking forward to? The team aspect of the event looks fun and I’m looking forward to seeing the team complete the course, in particular Cathy. Plus the adrenalin rush after completing the obstacles myself.


My name is Cathy Toogood and I'm TravelSupermarket's travel editor. However, I'm currently on maternity leave so am enjoying looking after my baby girl, May. I am married to Ed Toogood who is also doing the challenge.

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder? I've enjoyed raising money for Mind in the past and think that it's a very important charity to support and raise awareness of. The challenge of doing Tough Mudder has also inspired me to get fit again after recently having a baby. 

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to?  Any of the enclosed obstacles. 

And the bit you are most looking forward to? Completing the course (hopefully!) as a team and celebrating afterwards with Ed and May. 


Peter Harrison and I am head of Money at MSM. Outside of work I love keeping fit and take part in numerous team and individual sports which therefore means I am unable to go shopping every Saturday afternoon. Sports I actively participate in include Rugby, Cricket and Golf.

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder? Rave reviews from friends who took part in Tough Mudder last year. It’s a great way of having fun and raising money for a very important charity as well.

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to? The electric wires – knowing more luck I will have the strongest current.

And the bit you are most looking forward to?  Helping each other to get to the finishing live. One team one Dream J


Matthew Blackwell - Day job - work for Snowdonia windows and as a hobbie I run for deeside athletics. 

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder? It was on my bucket list, the opportunity came along so I took it. 

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to? How hard it is going to be. 

And the bit you are most looking forward to? The pint at the finish.


Sarah Doran - Customer Relations Representative for Marshall Aviation Services, Personal Trainer and fitness instructor for SD Fitness 

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder?  - Having already conquered a marathon and half marathons, it's was time to face a different challenge, and Tough Mudder was the perfect opportunity.  The running part I already have mastered, so it's been good to train differently for the obstacles.

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to? - Any obstacle that involves putting my head under water!!  

And the bit you are most looking forward to? - crossing the finish line with the rest of the "Mind over Mudder Team" will be such an accomplishment. Oh and I will wear the headband with pride!! 


My name is Tanya Reynolds I am an Office Manager

What’s your motivation for undertaking Tough Mudder? My good friend invited me to the challenge. Something to achieve before I am 40

What’s the bit you are least looking forward to? Ice water 

And the bit you are most looking forward to?  Watching us all finishing and raising money for our charity. 



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Raised: 102%

Team target: £5,000.00

Raised so far: £5,116.74

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Edward Toogood

Team Toogood tackle Tough Mudder

18 donations



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Hannah Jones

Jones's Go Mind Over Mudder

23 donations



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Hannah Jones

Sponsor the whole MoneySuperMarket Tough Mudder team

35 donations



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Mark Brown

Mark's Tough Mudder North West page

48 donations



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Mark Donnan

Mark's Tough Mudder Challenge

18 donations



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Peter Harrison

Peter's Tough Mudder North West page

11 donations



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Tanya Reynolds

Tanya's Tough Mudder North West page

34 donations



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