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Haverhill Community First Responders

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Community First Responders are activated by the East of England Ambulance Service to attend emergency calls at the same time that an ambulance resource is dispatched, and often arrive first because they're so close to a call.

Volunteers are trained in the use of oxygen therapy and an automated external defibrillator (AED) which allows them to give life-saving care until the ambulance arrives.

The ambulance service provides free training and assessment, and start-up equipment, but groups are self-funded.

People from all walks of life can apply as a Community First Responder, and you will be trained by the Ambulance service at no cost to yourself. All you are asked is to commit some time each month to be on call, this can be for as many hours or days each month, but every little helps. It particularly suits the retired, students, stay at home mums and dads and people who work from home.

Haverhill Community First Responders are a registered charity (Charity number 1047987) supported by the East of England Ambulance Service.

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Raised: 7%

Team target: £2,500.00

Raised so far: £180.00

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Haverhill Community First Responders .

Haverhill Community First Responders

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