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Cutting off my dreads for Matt

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Earlier this year my dear friend Matt tragically took his own life. He was loved by so many but unfortunately did not reach out for help. As a result I would like to raise money in memory of Matt in the hope that it can help others in similar situations.

To help encourage interest I’ve made the decision to finally cut off my dreadlocks! Matt was famous for his ever changing hair styles so I figured it would be rather fitting for me to spontaneously cut off my dreads!

I have decided to raise money for two charities. The first charity being ‘Movember’ who do great work with men’s mental health and suicide prevention.  The second charity being ‘Survivors of bereavement by Suicide’ who give support to those bereaved by suicide.

Any donation would be very much appreciated no matter how small.

This one’s for you Matt. xxx

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Raised: 100%

Team target: £0.00

Raised so far: £0.00

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