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Caffe Nero Foundation

Team photo

The Caffe Nero Foundation was set up with an aim to make a positive difference to the people that come into contact with Caffe Nero. Whether that be where we buy our coffee or where our cafés are located around the UK and Ireland.

Instead of choosing a national charity partner, the foundation selects projects championed by team members from across the UK & Ireland, through our annual fund matching programme.

This year we are supporting the below causes. Clicking through will tell you more about each project.

Any donations made to this page will be split evenly amongst these projects and will go directly to the charities and causes.

Thank you for your support and helping our teams to continue to make a positive difference.

The Caffe Nero Foundation operates under the Charities Aid Foundation. Reg Charity Number: 268369.

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Raised: 19%

Team target: £20,620.00

Raised so far: £3,996.51

Team members

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Member photo Name Fundraising progress Raised so far
Fundraiser icon

Barry MacLennan

Make a Difference - Albert Kennedy Trust

9 donations



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Barry MacLennan

Make a Difference - Brain Tumour Charity

19 donations



Fundraiser icon

Barry MacLennan

Caffe Nero's Make a Difference - Motor Neurone Disease Association

13 donations



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Barry MacLennan

Caffe Nero's Make a Difference - Make a Wish Foundation

16 donations



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Gemma Harragan

Nero Christmas Jumper Day

3 donations



Charities we support