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James Bustar's 365 Day Juggling Challenge raising money for Cancer Research

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My name is James Bustar and by trade I am a comedy juggler in Australia and the UK, is my website. I have lost/nearly lost many family members and friends to cancer.

I wanted to do something unique and fun to add a bright side to the horrible thing that is 'cancer' and help raise awareness and support for the Cancer Council and its work.

Every day for 365 consecutive days I will be taking requests from Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for weird and wacky things to juggle and I will film a video and post it on youtube every day.

To make requests of what to juggle send a tweet to @jamesbustarlive with the #365dayjuggle or on facebook @ and Instagram @jamesbustar

I travel all over the world with my job so you will get a chance to see many interesting places in the videos and travel the world at the same time!

Videos will be posted to all social medias every day for 365 days! So start tweeting and posting AND Most Importantly donate to the charity. Its simple and easy and as soon as you donate they get the money straight away.

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Raised: 2%

Team target: $20,000.00

Raised so far: $327.78

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James Bustar

James Bustar's 365 Day Juggling Challenge

7 donations



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James Bustar

James Bustar's 365 Day Juggling Challenge

4 donations



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