Zack and Cosmo Taylor Doyle were born 11.11 & 11.13 on the morning of 19th of July at King's College Hospital.
Being twins they were naturally due to arrive a little earlier than most other babies but they decided to surprise us all by arriving even earlier than we'd hoped at 32 weeks. This of course then meant they were admitted to the NICU ward for a spell to accommodate their needs as premature babies.
All things were going well until 10 days into their stay when Zack became critically unwell with a condition called Necrotising enterocoloitis (NEC)
NEC is a serious condition that mainly affects premature babies with an inflamed bowel and can be treated with antibiotics, in our case however, emergency surgery was needed to save his life. We thought things would settle after the surgery but Zacks condition deteriorated and he suffered multiple organ failure and was put on life support for a number of weeks whilst his carers battled to keep him alive and to bring him back to us.
The Doctors and Nurses have been nothing short of incredible and I owe them everything for the care they have given Zack and to Cosmo and to Imogen, whilst we have stayed there.
Their level of expertise, kindness and empathy really has helped Imogen , Cosmo and I, to navigate what has been an incredibly tough journey at times.
Miracles are performed daily on those wards and raising any amount of money to give them what they need, to save lives and provide care for new borns and their families, is the least we can do.
Please feel free to donate any amount as you can to our page.
Team members (8)
- £2,530 of £2,000
- £1,220 of £2,000
- £315 of £500
- £260 of £500
- £234 of £400