The cause
This July, I will be walking 8000 steps a day, to represent the 8 years on average it takes a person in the UK to be diagnosed with endometriosis. This is partly because a definitive diagnosis can only be reached with laparoscopy surgery, but also because the journey to diagnosis can be difficult and delayed significantly by lack of knowledge and understanding of the condition.
I will be raising money to support both Endometriosis UK (a UK charity who rely on donations for all their work to improve the lives of those affected by endometriosis) and EXPPECT (a specialist team based in Edinburgh advancing research into pelvic pain, endometriosis and its management). You can choose who you donate to by clicking on one of the ‘donate’ links below, or split your donation between both (the first link is EXPPECT, the second Endo UK, both under my name).
My story
I got my diagnosis of endometriosis in March of this year (2022) after laparoscopy surgery. This diagnosed stage IV (or severe) endometriosis.
Endometriosis is where tissue similar to that of the uterus lining grows elsewhere in the body. This tissue grows and bleeds in response to hormones, and this can cause injury to tissues and inflammation, which can lead to the formation of thick scar tissue (or adhesions) as the body tries to heal itself. This often leads to complications such as organs becoming stuck together, ovarian cysts forming or infertility.
The most prevalent symptoms of endometriosis (for me at least) are pain and inflammation but the relationship between pain and the extent of the disease is complicated and not well understood yet. Your body is also in a constant cycle of injury and healing, and this can be exhausting, leading to fatigue (as well as iron deficiency).
The last two years, endometriosis has stopped me in my tracks. Prior to my surgery in March, I lost all trust in my body, I was in pain nearly all of the time, and I didn’t believe that I could function “normally” again. The surgery helped treat some of the disease but also couldn't treat it all in one go (more surgery is needed and even then, endometriosis does regrow so there is no 'cure'.) Therefore, whilst I am raising money for hugely valuable causes, this challenge is also for me, to get myself back out there and moving again!
These days, it’s all about managing the condition in the best way possible whilst not missing out on life.
What you can do
8000 steps a day, every day, for a month is actually a massive ask of me just now! I work a sedentary job (a great job in mental health but exclusively via a computer screen), my fitness is not what it was, and I still experience a lot of pain and fatigue which feels a little overwhelming some days. But I do love to walk and I can’t wait to get outdoors, come rain, hail or shine (this is Scotland my friends!)
If you can support me, in any way I'd be very, very grateful. Any donation is gratefully received, and no donation is too small. Please leave me a message of encouragement (I'll need it) and please share widely on your own socials as you see appropriate. Full permission to share wide and far. Oh and wish me luck! Much love, Vee xx
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