The New School is an independent and highly innovative school for 4-16 year olds in South London. The school does not charge fees because its ethos is that education should be freely available to everyone. It therefore operates as a charity and relies heavily on donations in order to survive (as an independent school, the school doesn't receive the usual Government funding that is available to state schools).
The school was conceived and founded by Lucy Stephens (ex The Princes Trust) and opened its doors in September 2020 (during the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic). Not only did it open, but it was heavily oversubscribed, and remains so now.
The school's principles are to put the young person at the heart of the design and delivery of their schooling, through the creation of an inclusive, democratic school community, promoting social justice and fostering positive wellbeing.
In 2021, the school was independently evaluated by researchers from the University of Nottingham whose cost-benefit analysis found the benefit of the school to the children, their parents and society outstripped its running costs in its first year by a ratio of £2.40 benefit for every £1 spent (this is projected to grow to £3.88 for every £1 spent by 2025, when the school plans to have 120 young people and one educator for every six students). The school also recently received a Good OFSTED review and has been featured in The Guardian and TES (Times Educational Supplement).
The school is expanding its work with local authorities, which is critical to its financial sustainability. The school is also deepening its thought leadership with University College London and other academic partners. However, the school urgently needs additional funding in order to survive, hence why a number of parents, staff and other supporters have decided to cycle over 55 miles in September with a target of raising over £5,000 to support the school.
We appreciate that it is a difficult time financially for many, and there are many good causes worthy of support. However, if you are able to support us in our efforts, however small, we (and 90+ children) would massively appreciate it. Thank you.
Team members (10)
Join team- £9,719 of £10,000
- £9,393 of £2,500
- £890 of £500
- £664 of £1,000
- £640 of £500