We’re taking part in the Gaza Winter Walk 2021 on Saturday 13th February 2021, where we will be walking 5 miles and fundraising £250 each in support of families in Gaza.
With the ongoing coronavirus pandemic adding to the daily struggles of violent conflict, loss of loved ones, trauma and poverty, its more important than ever to unite virtually for this years Gaza Winter Walk.
As a result of the 2014 conflict and on-going violence, thousands of homes were severely damaged, if not destroyed, leaving refugee families to live in hazardous, overcrowded and structurally unsafe conditions.
Your donation will ensure refugee families in Gaza receive the support they desperately need to rebuild their homes and provide them a promising chance of recovery.
Thank you! May allah reward you all immensely and may He provide relief for the people of Gaza!
Team members (4)
- £310 of £250
- £280 of £250
- £285 of £250
- £340 of £250