Crudwell 'Le Mans' 24 Hour bike ride is a community fundraising event where teams of all ages and ability compete to raise the most sponsorship. It is also fun to see which team can complete the most laps in 24hrs.
As well as raising funds for improvements to Crudwell village hall and its surrounds, this year 80% of funds raised by each team go to the charity of their choice, in our case SARA (
Severn Area Rescue Association). SARA are supporting Crudwell Bike Ride this year providing medical cover, including our very own Martin Holloway and David Wright.
Through JustGiving, you can sponsor us and donations (including GiftAid) will be quickly processed and passed to charities. We really appreciate all your support and thank you for any donations.
Team members (2)
Join team- £440 of £200
- £376 of £200