Pine Tree Camp - in its 76th year of transforming lives of Maine children and adults with disabilities...
Entering into my fourth amazing summer here as the Assistant Director, I've been fortunate enough to see how our programming has evolved and adapted in this time of covid. The way that we have continued to serve our community is something I'm really proud of. We can't wait for you all to see what we've come up with this year!
Who doesn't love being in the water! The feeling of freedom that comes from floating, playing with our friends, swimming with the fishes, it's what we're all about here at Pine Tree Camp! Help us keep the tradition alive and get even more campers into the water this summer.
For Summer of 2021, Camp staff have created two additional programs a stand-alone Adaptive Bike Program plus Family Camping. With all four of these new programs in place, Camp is opening up to hundreds more each season.
Pine Tree Camp needs our support more than ever - please join me by joining my team and making a donation of your own.
Team members (1)
Join team- US$125 of US$100