Seven novel runners embarking on a quest to run from Sale Hill (Sheffield) to Shrek's Pizza (Manchester) totalling a distance of over 60 kilometers. With a goal of raising money for close to home good causes and finding the secrets to the unexplored territory.
Philip Cotter- 'Sheffield Young Carers' - Dedicated to supporting young carers and young people affected by drug and alcohol issues in their family.
Kit Aatkar - Grid Alternatives - Providing solar energy to low income households and nonprofits in USA, Nicaragua, Nepal, and Mexico.
Nick Holden & Natasha King -'Mind' who offers information and advice to people with mental health problems and lobbies government and local authorities on their behalf.
Niall Cheetham - ‘The Christie NHS Foundation Trust’ which provides world-class cancer care for patients and their families.
Chris Kneale - 'Alzheimers Research UK' which does research into the causes and cures of dementia.
Ryan Chatfield- ‘Engineers without borders UK’, who aim to radically transform global engineering practices to focus on sustainability. This is not limited to the UK; they also help to implement long lasting infrastructures in more deprived regions all around the world.