In 2021, we lost our Dad / Grandad Bryan to Parkinson's. We also sadly lost our Dad /Brother /Uncle Andrew to cancer aged just 55.
On 26th September a team of 8 family members and friends will be running the Great Run Manchester 10K to raise money for both Parkinson's UK and Springhill Hospice, Rochdale in memory of Bryan and Andrew.
JustGiving is unable to split donations between charities so if you want to donate towards this event just select which of the charities you have chosen to support by clicking the 'Donate to a team member' button below, then select either the top 'Donate' button to support Parkinson's UK or the bottom 'Donate' button to pledge money to Springhill Hospice
Any donations to support the great work of these charities would be appreciated.
Thank you,
Kieron, Kelvin, Cameron, Evie, Joe, Emma, Natalie & Courtney