The Beatson Haem team are leaping into action for February 2024, covering 2900 miles in 29 days! The haematology consultants within the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre have decided they want to give a little more to blood cancer research and our patients. They will join forces to cover this MASSIVE distance in the shortest month by running, cycling, or walking. 100 miles a day didn't seem so bad at the time ....
All donations will be split between two charities that are integral to the work we do on a daily basis: the Beatson Cancer Charity and the Paul O'Gorman Leukaemia Research Centre (via the University of Glasgow Trust). Both charities improve the lives of our patients, either through scientific research into new drugs for blood cancer, or by improving the experience that our patients have during their treatment and follow-up.
We look forward to updating you on our progress and thank you for your donations!
The Beatson Haem team x
(the team: Matt Wilson, Mark Rafferty, Gillian Horne, Chris McDermott, Mark Drummond, Nick Heaney, Annie Latif, Pam McKay, Jennifer Travers)
Team members (8)
- £1,710 of £500
- £1,699 of £250
- £1,030 of £500
- £730 of £500
- £720 of £500