At 55 think I was having a midlife crisis when we signed up but never have I been more determined to getting fitter. Not only walking but now on the exercise bike and swimming twice a week. With full support from friend's and families we can do this !! Know it’s for a great cause and it’s for my dad!!!
Dad and lads doing something to help dad/grandad and everybody with dementia !!! We are taking on Trek26 Peak District as a team raising money for The Alzheimer's Society.
The Trek is 26 miles for loved ones , bringing help and hope to everyone affected by dementia. Experiencing the beauty of the Peak Districts famous hills, dramatic rocky outcrops, wild moorlands and tranquil dales all in one day, sore feet guaranteed !!!
Times are hard we know but almost every person has been affected directly or indirectly by this cruel condition , every donation large or small helps so much . Your fundraising will ensure that people facing a dementia diagnosis won't be alone. The money you raise will pay for vital services and research into treatments to improve people's lives.
We aim to raise £900 as a team by July , it breaks down we need £300 each so if you can help you can support any of us . Thank you so much in advance from The Super Storer's Barmy Army and my dad .

Team members (3)
Join team- £585 of £300
- £465 of £300