At Hartsdown we place so much importance on mental wellbeing, trying our best to support students, their families and staff. In our team we are all passionate about supporting and raising awareness of mental health. With Sharon who is mental health lead in school, Tom who is head of year and assistant head of behaviour, Lucy who is the think forward coach and Karen who is the school project manager for place2be we all recognize the impact mental health problems can have on not just the individuals but on their families, schools and communities. We are taking on this challenge to help improve that support in local communities
With so much uncertainty in the world, children and young people need emotional support now more than ever. That's why I'm taking part in Step Out for Mental Health with Place2Be.
Place2Be is the UK's leading provider of school-based children's mental health services. During lockdown, they have been working tirelessly to provide support to children and families who need them most.
With your support, Place2Be can continue to be there for families during lockdown and beyond.
- £30 could pay for a vulnerable family to get support from a mental health professional during lockdown. For many isolated families this is a lifeline, giving them access to basic necessities like food.
- £100 could help 14 children to reach Place2Be during lockdown and talk about their fears.
Thank you.
Team members (4)
Join team- £139 of £100
- £95 of £100
- £40 of £100
- £30 of £100