Our team from Mother of God Parish in Sheffield is inspired by the work of CAFOD, which enables people in over 30 countries worldwide, to find a way out of poverty and on to a better future. We are walking separately as well as together at different times throughout Lent, and encouraging friends and family to make a donation. Some of us are aiming to walk the whole 200km, some, with a family, taking a weekend walk in local countryside. Take a peek at CAFOD's website ( to see an example of the amazing things achieved through the generosity of donations, and meet James, a fisherman in Liberia whose life has been transformed. If you are able to make a donation, it will truly make a difference and motivate us, individually and together, to keep going. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!
Team members (5)
Join team- £1,050 of £1,000
- £621 of £500
- £484 of £500
- £210 of £200
- £165 of £200