9th June 2022
Final update before the Marathon.
Returning to running didn't go as planned :-( The pains kept coming back, spreading & getting worse. I saw a physio on 6th May, who thought the pain in my left hip, knee & heel were brought on by spraining my right ankle back in January. She gave me exercises for my tight glute muscles, which I followed religiously. My follow-up appointment 3 weeks later was cancelled, then the resheduled appointment was cancelled. The pain had spread now to my right hip, so I booked with another physio who I saw on 24th May. His diagnosis was Gluteal Tendonistis, plus some hamstring damage and possible nerve involvement. A few amendments to exercises and I started to feel better. Managed a 10mile walk a few days ago (felt good, so tried a little jogging - but that aggravated my heel). Second physio appointment yesterday - my left calf was extremely tight, which he thinks may be the cause of the heel pain. Some harder exercises now to work on each area.
With the marathon only just over 2 weeks away, I have to resign myself to the fact that I will probably be walking it. Trying to do any running may cause me too much pain & risk not completing it. I'm going to have to listen to my body, but I'm determined to still attempt this.
15th March 2022
Well - it was a bit longer than a week or two of rest. Starting running again proved to be inconducive to the plans my hip had! It seems that I was probably a bit off kilter before the ankle injury. Having that sorted out meant that my hip had no idea what was going on. So the first few attempts at running resulted in pretty intense pain in said hip. Back to walking, and have been focussed on yoga and cycling for the past week (which I hadn't been doing as the ankle was too painful while recovering from the Osteopath treatment). Ankle appears to now be fine - no pain. Hip is a lot better. Decided to go for a run today - did 4 miles of run/walk, with a bit of an achy hip after half way. But it felt good. Onwards & upwards - I'm determined to do the best I can!!!
It’s now 1st February 2022 – just under 6 months to the event. A bit has changed.
After my last update, I made the move from Couch to 5k onto the plan that Paul had put together. It proved to work better for me! On Couch to 5k, I couldn’t seem to progress further than running for 10minutes maximum. The new plan is focussed more on distance rather than continuous running time. This meant I started to run what was more manageable for me without forcing myself, but over longer distances. So, being able to JEFF has meant that I’ve actually been progressing, but not feeling like I’m putting myself under too much pressure. Week beginning Monday 10th January, I had my best week – 3 runs of 3 miles each, and I managed to run all without stopping! I was really looking forward to my long Sunday run of 8 miles to see how much improvement I’d made. I didn’t get the chance to find out though – as 2 minutes in I caught my toe on a root and ended up on the floor. Apart from my pride being bruised, no injuries were apparent, so I decided to continue. Pain came and went in my ankle, and I managed to complete the whole route (mostly walking). Maybe not the best thing to have done, but I am not someone who gives up easily. Realising I had actually probably sprained my ankle, I then did the sensible thing and rested, iced & elevated. I’ve seen an Osteopath since and am pleased to say the pain is slowly relieving. But I do not want to rush back in too soon and ruin my chances of taking part in the Marathon in June. I’m going to take it easy & slowly. My plan now is to rest as much as it needs. I’m going about daily business as usual, going for walks to keep it moving and will be starting on an exercise bike to get it moving without jarring too much. When it feels ready for a run, I’ll start back at about 1.5miles with a long run of 4miles and see how I get on. Maybe another week or two of rest first.
UPDATE: 18th October 2021
After starting well on the Couch to 5k - I completed week 4 (just) - my knee started hurting & I was struggling. I strapped my knee up and decided to drop back to week 2, to give myself a bit of a break. Repeating week 2 over a few times, my knee improved and I felt myself getting stronger. Although I should have graduated a couple of weeks ago, I am pleased with my progress. Now on week 5, running 2x8mins, and feeling like I can do more rather than struggling.
Paul has devised a plan to help me increase my stamina for the marathon. 8 months seems a long way off, yet very close at the same time!!!
AUGUST 2021:
What is this all about? You may well be wondering!!! Well..... for some crazy reason, my finger slipped on the keyboard one day and I found that I'd signed up to do a marathon in June 2022!!!
Really, I decided to do it mostly as a personal challenge - but then I thought if I can raise money to help a charity, even better!
Then I struggled to think of one I've decided to put a few on here for people to choose from - hopefully maximising my chances of raising more money in total!!
I am not a fit person - never called myself a runner in my life. I am determined to do this - and to be able to run some of it. To prepare, I have already started doing the Couch to 5K - finished week 3 (out of 9) yesterday (6th August).
I will put regular updates on here to let you know what & how I'm doing with training. Feel free to "cheer" me along - any comments/messages will be greatly received and appreciated. Will need all the motivation I can get!!!