What? London Marathon 2025.
Who? Jo, Chez and Gemma
When? April 2025, baby!
Why? As a glorious tribute to the resilience of the mighty Oti, but also a call to action for more people to join the stem cell register and support those in need of transplants. Go team Anthony Nolan!
More about why we chose Anthony Nolan...
Anthony Nolan’s world-leading stem cell register, groundbreaking cell and gene therapy research and expertise in stem cell transplants means we currently help four patients a day in need of a transplant, giving more people another chance to live. But we know we can, and must, do more. Driven by patients, backed by stem cell donors, powered by science, and with your support, we won’t stop until we’ve uncovered the lifesaving potential of the cells inside us all, and every patient can survive and thrive.
Team members (3)
- £2,188 of £1,950
- £105 of £1,950