Rem’s Army is a Team of Raymond Williams’s daughters, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
It all started 11 years ago when he was first diagnosed with stomach cancer and was told by doctors that without surgery he would only live two years, he decided to fight, have the surgery and had half of his stomach removed, following this he was in remission and was cancer free.
Unfortunately this only lasted 8 years and he was then diagnosed with cancer, this time on his ear, so he had another surgery to remove a section of his ear with all the cancer removed too.
Last year yet again he was diagnosed with cancer this time it was Leukaemia which he is currently still fighting and going strong. We will always be here to support him and we are very proud of him. We’re very grateful for the miracle that he’s still here with us today. He’s kind hearted and constantly making jokes, never letting what he’s been through change him.
Turning 83 this year and we hope to spend many more years with you Rem so we’re dedicating this one to you, you’re our inspiration.
Please help us support him and cancer research UK. If anyone would like to donate it would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you 💙