Hi family & friends,
I am so excited to be raising funds for the Easterseals Community Rally.
Your support helps ensure that amazing kids like Reece reach their milestones.
To see what support looks like for Reece, read on....
Reeces and kids like him get all the therapies they need to learn skills that help with making connections to people in their lives through Easterseals. Reece is a Godzilla lover and a Dorito fanatic. His smile can light up a room and his laugh is infectious. Once reece had teouble speaking more than a few words. He had trouble connecting to people and having communication exchanges. He had trouble eating and was delayed in things like learning to put his own clothes on. Reece also has sensory issues we had to learn to navigate to help him thrive.

Reece has learned how to talk to and make friends, tell us about his day. He has practiced recognizing and dealing with emotions and has learned sensory techniques and self care skills as well. Our family wouldn’t be where we are without Easterseals and they need people like you to donate to make sure they can continue to help.
Team members (1)
Join team- US$50 of US$500