RUST BUCKET RALLY JUNE 2024 is the ninth running of this unique event. A group of enthusiasts driving approximately £1000 ‘Rust Bucket’ cars around Europe for 4 days covering 2500 miles. It’s not for the faint hearted!
Having already raised nearly ¼ million pounds for 9 local charities and this year’s charity will be Motor Neurone Disease Association
Motor Neurone Disease Association is here to help everyone living with and affected by MND access the help and support you need. Whether people affected want to speak to us over the phone, connect with others affected by MND or use other services they offer.
With motor neurone disease, known as MND, messages from the motor neurones gradually stop reaching the muscles. This leads the muscles to weaken, stiffen and waste, which can affect how you walk, talk, eat, drink and breathe. Some people also get changes to their thinking and behaviour, but the disease affects everyone differently. Not all symptoms will affect everyone, or in the same order. Symptoms also progress at varying speeds, which makes the course of the disease difficult to predict.
MND is life-shortening and there is no cure. Although the disease will progress, symptoms can be managed to help achieve the best possible quality of life.
Team members (24)
Join team- £6,914 of £1,500
- £5,000 of £2,500
- £3,332 of £1,000
- £2,931 of £1,000
- £2,810 of £1,000