Rally Fit
Hello, my name’s Col, and I’m a qualified Gym and Clubbercise Instructor based in Bradford, UK. Firstly, I’m not a massive fitness freak and not naturally built to be a fitness enthusiast. I also can’t lift 400lbs in the gym and I don’t survive on a bed of lettuce for lunch every day.

I do know however, that exercising is good for me and that I want to do more of it, but sometimes being able to just do it (like Nike tells us) can be hard. I’ve struggled with my weight in the past and struggle to motivate myself to this day and this is where Rally comes in.
It’s about rallying together with like-minded individuals to perform exercise together. To support each other and most importantly, have some fun. Rally is something I’ve created purely for the love of group-based exercise because I believe that doing exercise classes together rather than alone can help keep us all motivated.

Clubbercise® is a fun full body workout with a banging soundtrack. The routines combine dance, toning and combat moves with options to suit all fitness levels. Classes are held in a darkened room with disco lights and glow sticks
Team members (2)
Join team- £1,277 of £500
- £605 of £500