*UPDATE: Race cancelled…. but that didn’t stop us!
Adverse weather can’t hold us back….photos of those of us who braved the wind and rain to complete the run anyway. More runs planned this week. Go Team Oncology!*
The Portsmouth Oncology department has assembled a “crack team” of athletes to run The Great South Run, raising money in aid of The Rowans Hospice to support them in a time of financial difficulty, on behalf of all our patients who benefit from their wonderful services. Please read their bio below, and we thank you in advance for any donation - big or small - that will help make a difference to patients’ lives.
Wish us luck!
Monica, Todd, Kristine, Ian, Caroline, Tom, Hannah, Giuseppe, Ben, Chris, Alisha, Karen, David, Miranda, Yifei, Bharat, Helen and Eleni.
Rowans Hospice provide palliative care to the highest quality for those living with a life-limiting illness in South East Hampshire. Our hospice carers help improve quality of life for the patient by easing physical symptoms and offering psychological, spiritual and social support to both patients and their loved ones. Hospice care is available round the clock. We receive a very small level of statutory support from the Government, however, almost all of the money needed to provide our services has to be raised through donations and fundraising.

Team members (12)
- £1,420 of £1,000
- £1,170 of £1,000
- £1,090 of £1,000
- £525 of £500
- £270 of £200