Scottish Water's Munro Challenge on Saturday 04th June will see multiple teams ascend as many of the country's 3000ft peaks as possible on that one day to help thousands of people in Malawi who do not have reliable access to clean water. The North Lanarkshire Munro Baggers have joined this fundraising effort to tackle the magnificent mountain Ben Starav near Loch Etvie, Fort William.
More than half the world's population relies on freshwater from mountains, according to the UN. However, WaterAid remind us that 771 million people still do not have clean water close to their home. It is WaterAid's mission to ensure that everyone, everywhere has clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene.
The event falls in WaterAid's 40th anniversary year, marking the four decades since the water industry in Scotland helped establish the charity organisation. Since its creation in 2002, Scottish Water has worked in partnership with WaterAid to help transform lives around the world.
Money raised will help fund the 'Deliver Life' project to bring clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene to communities in Zomba and Machinga districts in southern Malawi.
The project, which has core funding of £1m from the Scottish Government's International Development fund, supports access to these vital nine early childhood development centres, four healthcare facilities, including maternity units and 40 surrounding communities, helping save lives.
Team members (5)
- £420 of £150
- £410 of £150
- £275 of £150
- £140 of £150