This is a page for people to donate in lieu of flowers to commemorate the passing of the much loved and admired Neal Crowley.
It has been overwhelming the number of people that have been expressing their love and memories for Neal and a number of you have expressed a wish to contribute with a donation.
Thank you again for all of your lovely words and comments, they have been an enormous support to Neal’s family, donations are not expected, but if people wish to we hope this provides a way for you to do this.
In order to split dontations between several charities, and have those donations go directly to that charity, a team page for each charity has been set up - it's just the way Just Giving does it. Click on donate to a team member and choose one of the 3 pages, or click donate next to any one of the 3 pages . All of the pages are confusingy under my name but each page will show which charity it is for.