24 in 24: Run 1 Mile every hour
Spencer Fox, Alistair Drover, Haf Aladin, Patrick Legg, Roxanne Saunders and Dominic Breen-Turner
Welcome to our fundraising page. We are a group of health care professionals from GP practices across the Isle of Wight. On the 12 June 2021 we are each running at least 1 mile every hour for 24 hours. (Some of us may do a few more miles!! ). In doing this we would like to raise as much money as possible for our Mountbatten Hospice, Isle of Wight. The hospice is an organisation we all work closely with. It is a fantastic facility which despite the challenges of the recent pandemic has adapted to provide ongoing vital support for patients, friends and family. We are lucky to have it on our Island! Any support would be greatly appreciated. Best wishes
Spencer , Alistair , Haf , Patrick , Roxy and Dom
Team members (1)
- £3,586 of £2,000