A 35km dog sled race, 25km cross country ski, ice fishing and orienteering in the arctic wilderness? Mission accepted.
Four Penguins are about to embark on the epic Arctic Challenge with the aim of raising a minimum of £8,000 for The National Literacy Trust. In January 2023, Senior Designer Kat Bourne, Publishing Operations Executive Leah Attwood, Communications Assistant Chadia Aliberti and Senior Press Officer Phoebe Williams will head deep into the Arctic circle to take part in the ultimate test of endurance and team work.

The series of physical and skills based challenges will take place in the heart of lapland, in an icy wilderness just north of Kiruna. With temperatures reaching as low as -30 degrees C and sunlight lasting only a few hours, the team really will be pushed to the edge of their limits.
In the run up to this event, Leah, Kat, Phoebe and Chadia will also organise a series of personal challenges and fun events for others to get involved in to drive as many donations as possible by the deadline of end of Jan 2023. Look out for updates on Just Giving as these are announced!
Working in the publishing industry at Penguin Random House UK, The National Literacy Trust supports a cause that is very close to all our hearts. By donating, you are enabling us to help the most disadvantaged children in the UK escape the cycle of poverty and low literacy. The latest research has shown that there are now 4.3 million children living in poverty in the UK and 1 in 11 children of these children don’t own a single book. The cost of living crisis is set to escalate the scale of this challenge massively. These children are at risk of becoming a lost generation and they need our support now more than ever.

Last year, The National Literacy Trust…
Supported the literacy of 700,000 children who were out of school and couldn't access digital learning
Distributed 575,643 books, magazines and writing resources during lockdown.
Saw over 1m unique visitors to our family-focussed Words for Life site
Worked with 6,492 schools, supporting their efforts to re-engage and inspire learners.
Team members (7)
- £2,902 of £2,500
- £2,041 of £2,000
- £1,690 of £2,000
- £1,528 of £2,000