During its 35 year history, FTI has steadily developed its sterling reputation and goodwill, in the highly competitive arena of government support, the backbone of the Company.
Being ever responsive to changing economic and political situations, has resulted in diversification into military space systems, information technology services, and homeland security projects.
FTI has evolved from their 1980’s focus of primarily providing services for the Air Force, to now supporting nearly every branch of the DoD and more. These services are then supported by an impressive range of FTI developed, and other best-of-breed software products.

Charity, which is known as our “4th C.” Our Founder, Lavon F. Jordan, believed strongly in the principle, “Love your neighbor.” That belief was demonstrated in his pattern of giving generously to various charitable and community organizations, causes, and events. Further, it was demonstrated by his selflessly arranging that the ownership of FTI would transfer fully into the hands of FTI employees after he was gone. FTI strives to encourage and support our employees to develop and maintain a spirit of charity by volunteering their time, attention, efforts, and resources to any of a wide range of charitable or community outreach activities. We encourage this by supporting our employees’ efforts with financial and other resources. Employees are encouraged to make recommendations for FTI to provide charitable contributions. Each recommendation is reviewed and processed by an all-volunteer committee of employees, the “4th C Committee,” that operates under a Charter, authorized by corporate policy. The highest priority for receiving FTI funding is events or activities that involve multiple employees who demonstrate their own passion by donating their time and other resources.
Team members (1)
- US$5,325 of US$2,500