Kinsleigh was diagnosed with EDS, a connective tissue disorder, in 2020. Ehlers danlos affects one and 20,000. there are six types of EDS ranging from cardiovascular to dermatosparaxis to hypermobility. signs of Ehlers downloads could be easy bruising, soft/fragile skin, hyper mobility, subluxation, fatigue, and muscle weakness. She was diagnosed by a DNA work up that was able to detect a deformity in her collagen. She has sustained numerous injuries requiring stitches, skin glue, hematoma‘s, bruises, ice packs and some TLC. She is a trooper and smiles through every day! So far she has raised over $500 to donate to the Ehlers-Danlos society in hopes to one day find a cure!
Join The Ehlers-Danlos Society in celebrating May as Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome/Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder Awareness Month and find your personal, team, or community challenge. We are challenging you to help spread EDS/HSD awareness by completing as many of the challenges as you can during the month of May. Start your challenge today!
Every dollar raised during the month of May will count towards one point. You can also receive a point for each Act of Awareness you complete. You may use those points to go towards exclusive May Awareness incentives.