Why Keep on S’myelin?
Myelin is the protective covering wrapped around all of the nerves in our central nervous system. MS confuses the immune system and causes it to attack the myelin and creates inflammation and damage to the nerves that lay under the protective myelin sheath. The damage leaves lesions across the nerves and slowly causes the nerves to slow and eventually (possibly) stop working.
To stop MS, we need to find a way to repair the damage done to myelin. For the first time ever there are treatments in clinical trials that will hopefully help with this.
The MS Society Scotland is supporting on world leading research into myelin repair and the Edinburgh Centre for MS Research is fundamental to this global work. The Edinburgh Centre is using pioneering animal and tissue models to find the myelin repair treatments of tomorrow. The centre’s expertise includes screening drugs for their potential to help myelin repair and protect nerves from damage. Many researchers there also work closely with people living with MS attending their neurology clinics.
A member of the Keep on S’myelin team lives with MS and is not only actively supported day-to-day by other activities offered by MS Society Scotland and the Edinburgh Centre for MS but contributes to ongoing studies to help push towards a much needed cure.
Walking 15 miles for this person is going to be a massive challenge but as a team, we’ll make it through and we’ll Keep on S’myelin!
Team members (3)
- £400 of £250
- £239 of £150