The Reverse Rett 'Jurassic Juggernauts' will be taking on 100km of the beautiful Jurassic Coast to raise money to keep Rett Syndrome research moving forward.
With the first gene therapy clinical trial already underway in Canada there has never been a more vital time to fundraise for Reverse Rett.
We will be inspired to keep going by everyone living with Rett Syndrome and hope to put up as good a show as Hannah, whose dad and brothers are part of the team, who did her own 5k a day through March last year around Dorset.
Please support the team who will be digging deep on their continuous 100k walk!
Team members (14)
Join team- £9,196 of £3,000
- £4,795 of £4,000
- £3,020 of £1,000
- £2,520 of £1,500
- £2,476 of £500