We quite recklessly signed up to the NOMAN race this summer. The concept is pretty simple: rowing 300km non-stop from Ibiza to Barcelona on a small boat, and as fast as possible.
With a duration of 5 days, we’ll be on a brutal schedule of 2 hours of sleep for 2 hours of rowing, and that for 120 hours. Food will be dehydrated, toilets a comfy bucket, and our cabins just about long enough to fit our legs.
But that’s the easy bit. We also have to fundraise 10,000€ (at least!) to be able to join the starting line. So we need YOU!
All the proceeds will be going to the race’s official charity - the HPV and anal cancer foundation. Look HPV up, it’s responsible for 5% of cancers, and if only we'd raise more awareness a large chunk of these would be avoided.
We actually pay for our own spots, so 100% of your money goes to the charity.
We ask for a donation of 25€, but of course feel free to donate what you can, every little helps. But to give you an idea, we need 400 people to donate 25€ so feel free to go wild, sell a kidney and purchase our eternal gratitude for just about 1,000€ (we’re cheap)!
Checkout the race website to learn about the race, the cause, the foundation and have a laugh at how stupid of a way it is to spend your summer.
Warmest thanks, and big love,
Juan and Baud
Team members (2)
Join team- €3,735 of €5,000
- €100 of €5,000