In memory of my loving boyfriend Jamie, I am doing the Kilt Walk to raise money for Haemophilia Scotland alongside close family and friends. I have chosen this charity as Jamie lived with the rare blood disorder, Haemophilia. He never let it define him and always lived life to the fullest. Jamie would do anything to help anyone and he would be the first to get involved in something like this knowing it could invest in research to help others living with Haemophilia. I will always continue to do you proud Jamie. Miss and love you forever ❤️
Haemophilia Scotland is a Scottish Charity for individuals and families with inherited bleeding disorders such as haemophilia, von Willebrand, factor deficiencies, or platelet disorders. We are Scottish Incorporated Charitable Organisation (SCIO) and our Charity Number is SC044298. It is free to join Haemophilia Scotland and attend our events. Membership is open to anyone who supports our work. We provide clear and patient friendly information. We support, inform and advocate for Scotland's bleeding disorders community.