As we entered a new year, I realised I needed a challenge to keep me going. Running has been a way to keep afloat in the midst of grief since Jamie , my husband , passed away last June from a brain tumour.
Some of you will know that I do like a bit of challenge...and as such I have signed up to take part in a Marathon des sables (the half edition) a race of 120km across the Wadi Rum desert of Jordan, self sufficient over 4 days that will take place from November 4th to 7th. Having heavily broken my pelvis 3 years ago it is certainly adding an extra challenge to train and try keep pain at bay.
Training is well under way, and the first challenging step is coming soon as I will be running Leamington Spa Half Marathon on June 23rd under the Myton Hospice colours.
I have decided to fundraise for the Myton Hospice simply because they made such a difference to Jamie's end of life, to both our lives. Without the support from the @Home team daily care visits from Myton , it would have been nearly impossible to keep Jamie at home in the last few weeks of his life and to keep my word to him that we would stay at home until the end, just the two of us. They made an incredible difference to both of us with their kind, professional and emotional support , bringing a smile in our home daily and this was just priceless. It is safe to say that my perception on hospices has forever changed, just the word itself use to give me shivers and I wouldn’t really want to hear about it when we first started to discuss the options.
In fundraising for Myton Hospices I would also like to make this an opportunity to raise awareness amd highlight how important it can be to talk about palliative and end of life care because dying matters, just like birth does.
I want to thank you each and every one of you who support me and in doing so, a charity that means so much to me.
Charlotte Rochenard-Taylor
Tribute members (1)
Join fundraisers- £3,323 of £3,000