Myself and Lily, with our friends and family, are participating in the Hull 10km in memory of our baby Percy Pritchett who was sadly born sleeping after being born very early.
We aim to raise money for the three main charities who supported and cared for Lily, Percy and our whole family through the hardest time of our lives; Chasing Rainbows, Remember my Baby and WISSH Baby Loss Appeal.
Chasing Rainbows is a local charity to support women experiencing infertility, baby loss and the grief and pain that goes hand in hand with this. This charity supported us when in hospital and has provided a safe space for Lily to proudly speak of Percy's story and be surrounded by other amazing women who are going through similar experiences.
Remember my Baby are a charity who provide professional photos of your precious baby who has unfortunately passed away. This charity has provided life-long memories and pictures of our family during the short time we had together. For this we will be forever grateful and thankful for their dedication and compassion.
During our stay in the hospital, we stayed in the bereavement suite. This was a safe, private suite with a medical room and a joining hotel-style room to provide home comforts and to provide special time with your baby without it feeling too clinical. This suite allowed us time for our families to meet our Perfect Percy, contributing to all of us looking back at this short, precious time with such happiness and love. This suite also provided us with baby books, baby loss support and the resources available to use once discharged. We cannot thank the midwives and team on the Hull Labour Ward enough for their care and compassion. The Baby Loss Appeal is working towards renovating this suite to provide the best care and environment possible to future bereaved parents.
Any contributions to any charities is greatly appreciated by us, our family and the charity itself. Your donations will make such a positive impact to future bereaved families who need life-saving support within their grief.